I also found some article about cops not knowing this and giving people tickets anyway. I have an out of state class D driver's license, (a state where you have to get a special Class M endorsement for riding a motorcycle) I have been googling and found some articles that say AL is the only state where you can ride a motorcycle with just a regular driver's license. (Cross-posts to, or from, there are welcome.) To see power outage status updates, please check out Alabama Power Outage Information Thanks for visiting! If you have any questions or your post gets caught in the spam filter-please feel free to message the mods. Consider instead, which is specifically set up for the hurl and burl of Alabama politics. Personal attacks, lies, smears, and ugliness is over the line the post or comment may be removed, and if there's continuing transgressions, banning may result. Hohner Professional Guitar Serial Numbers there. Regarding Political Postings: Political posts and discussions are allowed here, but is non-partisan.
Please refrain from personal attacks and posting anything racist (this includes images) or prejudicial.